Freedom For Our Future

It started with a vision

In 1996, after living under the roof of other rented properties, our Senior Pastors felt led to move to San Bernardino and build the church; a place where people could come and worship in comfort. After years of planning, researching and prayer, a plot of land opened and plans were set forth to build.

Cement walls sprung from the ground, crowned with terracotta and garnished with palms. Every piece was designed by Pastor Deborah down to the accent tiles in the bathrooms, each with the distinct purpose of ushering in the warmth and love of our Lord.


We weren't creating a building, we were building a house

Where a patch of rubble once stood on a barren plot of land, a seed was planted, one that grew into the church you see before you. During the time we have been in this building we have seen thousand of lives changed, people fed and countless miracles.

As we approach our 25th anniversary on June, 2013, our Senior Pastors had a burden to relieve the massive 13 million dollar mortgage, which if continued would amount to 24.7 million dollars including interest. Building this church is not where we want to end; this is just the first step toward fulfilling our namesake as a world outreach center. We will not conform to the world’s expectations of a church, but transform the world.

This is no easy road, but roads worth traveling rarely are. Together we will embark on a campaign to not only free the church from debt, but to free our future.


What we have done
What would it be like if The Rock wasn't here?


We can do more

We believe we are just starting to change the Inland Empire and our world. We recognize that we are in an economic state which limits us; we need freedom to do more:

Our goal is simple: to pay off our church's $13 million mortgage.